Informationen zu "The Best Musicians Jokes - ENGLISH EDITION"
Komponist/Autor: Carlo May
Verlag: Voggenreiter Verlag GmbH
Verlagsnummer: 0368-2
EAN: 9990900591672
ISBN: 978-3-8024-0368-2
More than 500 jokes about all musician’s genres, plus a foreword written by the famous drummer Pete York. Carlo May and Bruno Kassel both live in Cologne, Germany and have been musicians since their early teens. Frightened by the perspective of becoming rich and famous, they opted for less dangerous professions. Carlo - a guitar player - was fed up with having his IQ compared to the number of strings on his instrument. He is now a journalist, working for German National Radio (Deutschlandfunk). Bruno - a drummer - used his collection of broken lightbulbs to build his own darkroom. He is now a photographer and music journalist, working for various music magazines. 174 pages Format: DIN A6 / 4.1“ x 5.9“ (pocket size!)