Trumpet Basics - ENGLISH EDITION
von Martin Reuthner

6,99 €
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Informationen zu "Trumpet Basics - ENGLISH EDITION"

Komponist/Autor: Martin Reuthner
Verlag: Voggenreiter Verlag GmbH
Verlagsnummer: 0642-3
EAN: 9990900591856
ISBN: 978-3-8024-0642-3


Beginner course for trumpet players. Learn everything about the generation of sounds and playing the first notes, the proper breathing technique and basic music theory. The exercises and practice pieces are fun while promoting the joy of learning to play the trumpet. The accompanying CD contains audio samples and piano accompaniment. It allows you to listen to the complete piece with trumpet and piano or to play along with the piano. Trumpet Basics – the ideal brief introduction! DIN A4 (8.3“ x 11.7“), 64 pages, CD included
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