Music Theorie Basics - ENGLISH EDITION
von Herbert Kraus

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Informationen zu "Music Theorie Basics - ENGLISH EDITION"

Komponist/Autor: Herbert Kraus
Verlag: Voggenreiter Verlag GmbH
Verlagsnummer: 0971-4
EAN: 9990900591900
ISBN: 978-3-8024-0971-4


The fast and easy way into the world of music theory! This book explains the essential musical fundamentals. Music Theory Basics focuses on the basics and avoids complicated exceptions. This book is also well suited for those who have always felt that learning music theory was too abstract. Numerous audio examples on the accompanying CD let you hear how the theoretical knowledge can be applied. Therefore, this is not just a theory book, but a practical book as well. 64 pages, CD included Format: DIN A4 / 8.3“ x 11.7“ Also availible as e-book at Apple iTunes!
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