Sonatas in B minor and C major flute & basso continuo Full score and parts
von Simon Balicourt

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Informationen zu "Sonatas in B minor and C major flute & basso continuo Full score and parts"

Komponist/Autor: Simon Balicourt
Verlag: Edition HH
Verlagsnummer: HH442FSP
EAN: 9990900864257
ISBN: 978-1-910359-49-5
ISMN: M-708146-47-6


Sonata 1 opens with a movement marked Sostenuto expressing to perfection the melancholy gracefulness associated with B minor. This is followed by a vivacious Allegro, kaleidoscopic in its ever-changing rhythmic patterns. The sonata concludes with a charming homage to the French style in the form of a gavotte en rondeau. The opening movement of Sonata 2, which has some exquisite harmonic turns, displays what Quantz called the prächtig (magnificent) style, with a pompously striding bass and heavily dotted rhythms for the flute. The following Allegro moderato features jaunty syncopations interspersed with rapid flurries of demisemiquavers. Balicourt concludes with a sparkling ‘applause finale’, frothy but never trivial.
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