La Libertà sopano, violin & basso continuo Full score and parts
von Maurice Green

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Informationen zu "La Libertà sopano, violin & basso continuo Full score and parts"

Komponist/Autor: Maurice Green
Verlag: Edition HH
Verlagsnummer: HH456FSP
EAN: 9990900864394
ISBN: 978-1-910359-67-9
ISMN: M-708146-63-6


La Libertà is the most original, and among the most attractive, of Maurice Greene’s secular vocal compositions on Italian texts. Strong circumstantial evidence indicates that he wrote it as a composition for the celebrated operatic singer Faustina Bordoni to sing as a grateful farewell to her English patrons and admirers just before her final departure from London in the summer of 1728. The song commemorates not only Faustina but also her constant companion and reputed lover, the violinist Mauro d’Alay, who is likely to have been the original player of the obbligato violin part with which the vocal part interweaves. Greene took the text from an Italian translation of A Letter from Italy, a famous poem by Joseph Addison extolling liberty, which was at the time seen as a distinguishing characteristic of England.
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