Vocalise (from '14 Songs op.34') for flute choir
von Sergei Rachmaninoff

19,90 €
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Informationen zu "Vocalise (from '14 Songs op.34') for flute choir"

Komponist/Autor: Sergei Rachmaninoff
Verlag: Wonderful Winds
Verlagsnummer: R009
EAN: 9990900869122
ISMN: M-57074-372-8


Certainly the most well known of Rachmaninov's Fourteen Songs, Op.34, this is the final song of the set, and has no words, but is sung on one vowel of the singer's choice. This setting shares the melody between the first and second flutes, with the rest of the players each having the opportunity to enjoy the chromatic counter-melodies and the softly pulsating quaver chords.
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