Studio Ghibli Recital Repertoire 1 für Klavier

18,50 €
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Informationen zu "Studio Ghibli Recital Repertoire 1 für Klavier"

Verlag: Zen-on Music Co Ltd
Verlagsnummer: ZO179221
EAN: 9990900964278
ISBN: 978-4-11-179221-4
ISMN: M-2233-2934-7


Studio Ghibli, a world-famous Japanese animation studio, has produced numerous award-winning films over the years. Our new collections feature popular Studio Ghibli tunes that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. These well-thought-out arrangements for the elementary and intermediate levels are perfect for students' lessons and recitals!

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind: Opening
My Neighbor Totoro
Carrying You
Merry-Go-Round of Life
On a Clear Day
Always With Me
A Hilly Town
Pigeons and a Boy
The Village in May
Starting the Job
Tatara Women's Song
Mei is Missing
The Theme of Marco and Gina
Summer of Farewells: From Up on Poppy Hill
A Town with an Ocean View
The Legend of Ashitaka
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