Music Theory for Young Musicians Answer Book 4ED G1-3 Any

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Informationen zu "Music Theory for Young Musicians Answer Book 4ED G1-3 Any"

Verlag: Poco Studio Sdn Bhd
Verlagsnummer: 9789670831367
EAN: 9990901271658
ISBN: 978-967-08-3136-7


Poco Music Theory Series is aiming to lay a strong foundation in theory, this series is carefully designed to prepare students for ABRSM Music Theory exams. Following pedagogical principles and visual design principles, it provides a progressive introduction to musical concepts while providing exercises and drills, from simple to complex, with step-by-step guides, to put these concepts into practice.

The Answer Book accompanies the Poco Music Theory for Young Musician books providing model answers for teachers to ensure students provide the correct language for the questions on the current Graded Theory exams. This volume covers Grades 1-3.
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