The Wasps Overture Orchestra
von Ralph Vaughan Williams

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Informationen zu "The Wasps Overture Orchestra"

Komponist/Autor: Ralph Vaughan Williams
Verlag: Faber Music
Verlagsnummer: 9780571541546
EAN: 9990901296187
ISBN: 978-0-571-54154-6


Vaughan Williams’ Overture to his 1909 incidental music for Aristophanes’ comedy The Wasps buzzes noisily into life with stinging trills and scales. The musical swarm subsides to give way the characterful folk-inflected melodies that are a hallmark of the composer’s style. A spiky opening march is offset by a more lilting material, before the 9 ½ minute piece reaches its boisterous conclusion. 

Corresponding orchestral parts for this edition are available to hire. 
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