Informationen zu "Vote for Names for voice and piano"
Verlag: Peermusic Classical GmbH
Verlagsnummer: PEER3010
EAN: 9990051888638
Sperry, Paul, ed
20th Century American Songbook
Ozymandias (Bales)
For an old Man (Diamond)
The Millenium (Diamond)
Acquainted with the Night (Duke)
Hist ... wist (Duke)
The Upside-Down (Flanagan)
A Christmas Song (Hoiby)
The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter (Hoiby)
Vote for Names (Ives)
As Birds come nearer (Lauridsen)
When Frost moves fast (Lauridsen)
Ye Banks and Braes o'Bonnie Doon (Riegger)
The Silver Swan (Rorem)
Lonely Star (Siegmeister)
The Bell doth toll (Thompson)
Taake o take those Lips away (Thompson)
Nocturne (Walker)
Sorrow of Mydath (Ward)