My Recorder Tune Book Vol. 2 für Sopran- und Alt-Blockflöte Lehrerband (Klavierbegleitung)
von Freda Dinn

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Informationen zu "My Recorder Tune Book Vol. 2 für Sopran- und Alt-Blockflöte Lehrerband (Klavierbegleitung)"

Komponist/Autor: Freda Dinn
Verlag: Schott & Co Ltd. London
Verlagsnummer: ED10077-02
EAN: 9790220100789
ISMN: M-2201-0078-9


Ca' The Ewes to the Knowes
The Lamentation Of Aughrim
Anni Laurie
The White-Breasted Boy
The Bluebells Of Scotland
Avenging and Bright
There's Nae Luck About The House
Old Folks At Home
The Boatie Rows
The Campbells Are Comin'
Silent Oh Moyle
Lady Frances Nevill's Delight
Auld Lang Syne
Song Of The Western Men
Hunting The Hare
Will Ye No Come Bach Again?
The Rising Of The Lark
A-Hunting We Will Go
'One More Ribber'
Broom, Green Broom
There Was A Jolly Miller
The Flight Of The Earls
Bonnie Dundee
Felton's Gavotte
Kelvin Grove
Molyy McAlpin
Afton Water
Binorrie: or The Cruel Sister
The Piper Of Dundee
Forth To Battle
The Black Monk
Oh! The Oak And The Ash
The Poacher
Bonny At Morn
O, Hae Ye Seen The Roses Blow?
Northumberland Bapipes
The Happy Farmer
The Golden Vanity
The Spring is Coming
Come Lasses And Lads
Pant Corlang Yr Wyn
Oh, The Bonny Fisherland
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