Informationen zu "The Dave Brubeck Anthology for piano (vocal/guitar)"
Komponist/Autor: Dave Brubeck
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: PFM0218
EAN: 9780757938214
ISBN: 978-0-7579-3821-4
Autumn in our Town
The Basie Band is back in Town
Blue Lake Tahoe
Blue Rondo a la Turk
Blue Shadows in the Street
Bossa Nova USA
Broadway Bossa Nova
Cantiga Nova Swing
Castilian Blues
Dancin' in Rhythm
Danse Duet
The Duke
Easy as You go
Elana Joy
Everybody's jumpin'
Far more blue
Festival Hall
For Iola
I still am in Love with a Girl named Oli
Here comes McBride
Home without Iola
Hoe does your Garden grow
I'd walk a Country Mile
In your own sweet Way
It's a Raggy Waltz
Katy's Waltz
King for a Day
Koto Song
Lonely Mr. Broadway
Looking at a Rainbow
Lost Waltz
Maori Blues
Michael my second Son
A misty Morning
Mr. Fats
Newport Waltz
Ode to a Cowboy
One Moment worth Years
Out of the Past
Pick up Sticks
Quiet as the Moon
Ronnie Buttacavoli
Roy Hargrove
So wistfully sad
Softly William solftly
Southern Scene
Stompin' for Mili
Strange Meadowlark
Summer Song
Sweet Cleo brown
Swing Bells
Take five
Tea down yonder for two
Tender Woman
Theme for June
There'll be no tomorrow
Three to get ready
Time in
Two Churches
Unsquare Dance
Upstage Rumba
Waltz Limp
We crossed the Rhine
We will all remember Paul
Weep no more
Who will take care of me
World take a Holiday