Creating Professional Drum Loops (+CD) for drums, percussion

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Informationen zu "Creating Professional Drum Loops (+CD) for drums, percussion"

Verlag: Music Sales Limited
Verlagsnummer: HL14007758
EAN: 9780825628368
ISBN: 978-0-8256-2836-8


Whether you are looking for the much-sampled sly grooves of northern soul or
the thundering barrage of today's programmers, creating an effective loop is
the key to your beat. Ed Roscetti presents a clear and concise guide to
nailing the tightest loops and the biggest beats. An accompanying CD contains
over 30 loops that can be imported as audio files into your own system. All
are presented in notation with detailed descriptions of the drums, sticks,
and beaters used. Each loop can also be split into separate drumset and
percussion parts so you can hear how they work, or manipulate them yourself
individually! All of this is supported by Roscetti's easy-to-follow
instructionsand descriptions that will leave you with all the skills you need
to make a good drum loop great!
Instrumental Tutor
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