Informationen zu "Look, Listen & Learn vol.2 - Sparkling Solos for Oboe"
Verlag: Hal Leonard Europe - Deutschland
Verlagsnummer: DHP1002449-401
EAN: 9789043113496
ISBN: 978-90-431-1349-6
1. Satin Latin
2. Don't Panic
3. Monday Morning
4. Think Twice
5. Wiener Schnitzel
6. Rock on the Block
7. Tortoise Race
8. McSwing
9. Crossbow
10. Morse Code Training
11. The Soft and the Beautiful
12. Merry-go-Round
13. Two for Tea
14. The Long Road
15. Once upon a Time in the East
16. Wobbly Winds
17. Brazilian Temper
18. Tornado
19. Solo Piece