5 Centuries of Choral Music for mixed voices accompanied/a cappella score

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Informationen zu "5 Centuries of Choral Music for mixed voices accompanied/a cappella score"

Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL50488859
EAN: 9781423472193
ISBN: 978-1-423-47219-3


1. Domine Fili Unigenite
2. O magnum mysterium
3. Locus Iste
4. Dies Irae
5. Amazing grace
6. Fum, fum, fum
7. For All The Saints
8. Lacrimosa (Mozart)
9. If ye love me
10. Ave verum corpus
11. Riu, Riu, Chiu
12. The Silver Swan
13. Heavens Are Telling (Walker T)
14. Crucifixus Mass B Min (Bach)
15. Ave Maria (Mouton J)
16. Il Est Bel Et Bon (A Good And Handsome Man)
17. Coronation Anthem #1 (Handel)
18. May God Of Wit Inspire (Purcell)
19. Kittery (Billings)
20. Golden Meadows (Dvorak)
21. He That Shall Endure (Mendelssohn)
22. In Stiller Nacht (Brahms)
23. The Shepherd's Farewell To The Holy Family (Thou Must Leave Thy Lowly Dwe
24. Coolin, The (Barber)
25. Agincourt Carol

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