English Anthems for 4, 5 and 6 voices a cappella score

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Informationen zu "English Anthems for 4, 5 and 6 voices a cappella score"

Verlag: Novello & Co
Verlagsnummer: NOV032103
EAN: 9780853605768
ISBN: 978-0-85360-576-8


Chorstimmen als Klaviersatz
1. Rejoice In The Lord
2. All People, Clap Your Hands
3. Give Ear, O Lord
4. Hosanna To The Son Of David
5. In Thee, O Lord
6. Lord, To Thee I Make My Moan
7. O Happy He Whom Thou Protect'st
8. O How Amiable Are Thy Dwellings
9. When David Heard
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