The Eta Cohen Violin Method Book 3 (Sixth Edition) (+2CDs) for violin

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Informationen zu "The Eta Cohen Violin Method Book 3 (Sixth Edition) (+2CDs) for violin"

Verlag: Novello & Co
Verlagsnummer: NOV140052
EAN: 9781849387774
ISBN: 978-1-8493-8777-4


Eta Cohen's world famous Violin method broke new ground when it was first released. Providing an incremental approach to learning the instrument, it only introducing one concept at a time and reinforced eachnew concept with an accompanying exercise and highly enjoyable pieces. The careful organisation of the method meant that it was a great equaliser because any child could make good progress almost irrespective of talent. It wasalso based upon the principal that playing well brings intense satisfaction, whereas playing badly only results in frustration.
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