Vox Dicentis: Clama (New Engraving) for mixed chorus a cappella chorus score

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Informationen zu "Vox Dicentis: Clama (New Engraving) for mixed chorus a cappella chorus score"

Verlag: Novello & Co
Verlagsnummer: NOV291951
EAN: 9781849389013
ISBN: 978-1-8493-8901-3


Isaiah Ch. 15, vv. 6-11

Edward Naylor, son of composer John Naylor and father of composer Barnard Naylor, studied at Cambridge and under Stanford at the Royal College of Music. The range of textures in this piece reflects his eclectic influences - like his father, he was clearly influenced by various musical styles. This edition has been freshly engraved with clear text and attractive presentation.
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