Ed: Mats Lidström Heritage: Cello Etudes of past masters Cello Studies

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Informationen zu "Ed: Mats Lidström Heritage: Cello Etudes of past masters Cello Studies"

Verlag: CelloLid.com
Verlagsnummer: CL140
EAN: 9790708113409
ISMN: M-708113-40-9


Bernhard Romberg, Beethoven's colleague, writes about ease, grace and beauty
in his cello method of 1840. To achieve goals of that noble caliber requires
a solid technique. The 77 etudes compiled here are highly effective for
technical progress. They are also attractive pieces which may be chosen as
encores. The compilation is dedicated to the extraordinary English cellist
Leo Stern (1862-1904) and contains a multitude of bios and photographs of
past cello masters.
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