Frank Gillet T-Rex Rules!, wind band set Wind Band

52,50 €
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Informationen zu "Frank Gillet T-Rex Rules!, wind band set Wind Band"

Verlag: Con Moto Publications
Verlagsnummer: CMT0505
EAN: 9790220505058
ISMN: M-2205-0505-8


Wind Band Level 1 The style is menacing, with some voice parts for most
players to perform. It provides a 'silent movie' sound to start before moving
into a fast, dark waltz. The drum kit part is important but not essential,
as the whole is held together by the piano accompaniment. The minimum
scoring is 2 Flutes, 2 Clarinets, Alto Sax, 2 Trumpets, Horn, Trombone and
Low Brass. Parts are included for other Woodwind and Brass Band Brass.
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