Cheri Baster The Geographical Collection, set Wind Band, Starter Brass Band

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Informationen zu "Cheri Baster The Geographical Collection, set Wind Band, Starter Brass Band"

Verlag: Con Moto Publications
Verlagsnummer: CMT7841
EAN: 9790220578410
ISMN: M-2205-7841-0


Starter Wind Band The titles in this set are written in 3 parts + bass line
+ percussion. The 3 parts are for instruments in C, Bb & Eb, (also with 2
parts in F) Part 1 is the melody, Parts 2 & 3 are the harmony parts. The bass
line is for Lower Brass or Woodwind. The music is complete with only
woodwind or only brass instruments with percussion. The score shows the 5
parts in concert pitch. The parts are printed on double sided A3.
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