Arr: David Heyes Bass for Beginners (Bass Part) Double Bass & Piano

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Informationen zu "Arr: David Heyes Bass for Beginners (Bass Part) Double Bass & Piano"

Verlag: Recital Music
Verlagsnummer: RM013
EAN: 9790570450138
ISMN: M-57045-013-8


BASS PART ONLY. See RM437 for Piano Accompaniment. Bass for Beginners is an
exciting and fun book of short pieces for the young bassist. A limited range
of notes and note values are included, and each piece has a simple and
supportive piano accompaniment which is easily playable by the teacher,
making them ideal for study or concert material. Dynamic markings are
included in many, but others are a 'blank canvas' to encourage the young
bassist to experiment with different sounds and to develop their own
interpretation. Pizzicato and arco are included and teachers whould feel free
to adapt and change any of the pieces to suit a specific student or ensemble.
'Bass for Beginners' has been completely rewritten and updated and will be
available from September 2015. The new book will include 30 short pieces for
open strings, first and half positions alongside a range of scales and
arpeggios for the young bassist. HUGO SCHLEMULLER (1872-1918) was a German
cellist, composer and teacher. From 1902 he taught at the Hoch Conservatory
in Frankfurt and in 1910 founded his own publishing company. He composed many
works for cello and several pieces in 'Bass for beginners' were adapted from
his 'The Very First Performance Pieces for the Young Cellist'. ANTON HEGNER
(1861-1915) was a Danish cellist and composer and the brother of Ludvig
Hegner (1851-1923), the Principal Bass of the Royal Danish Orchestra. Anton
was appointed Principal Cello of the New York Symphony Orchestra by Walter
Damrosch and alongside composing many works for cello - both study and
recital works. The works included in 'Bass for Beginners' were adapted from
his 'Recreations for Young Cellists'. VACLAV BECH (1877-1936 was a Czech
bassist and studied at the Prague Conservatoire with Vendelin Sladek and
Frantisek Cerny. He played in many orchestras and from 1909-1914 taught at
the St. Petersburg Conservatoire, and from 1919-1936 taught at the Brno
Conservatoire (Czech Republic). Bech composed a number of method and
technical books for the double bass. 'Bass for Better Beginners' will
introduce 2nd, 3rd and 4th positions and will be available in 2016. Contact for more information. OPEN STRINGS 1. Hugo
Schlemuller - Play My Bass 2. Hugo Schlemuller - Ski-Run 3. Hugo
Schlemuller - A Hunting Song FIRST POSITION 4. Traditional - Au Clair de la
Lune 5. Mahler - Solo from Symphony No.1 6. Traditional - Frere Jacques 7.
Anton Hegner - Old Song (Long, Long Ago) 8. National Anthem 9. Vaclav Bech
- Czech Song No.1 10. Sea Shanty - Blow the Man Down 11. Somerset Folk Song -
Searching for Lambs 12. Traditional - The Gift to be Simple (Shaker Song) 13.
Sea Shanty - What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor? 14. Anton Hegner - Mary
had a Little Lamb 15. Vaclav Bech - Czech Song No.3 16. Vaclav Bech -
Slovakian National Song 17. Anton Hegner - American College Song (A-Roving)
18. Gloucestershire Folk Song - As I Sat on a Sunny Bank 19. Traditional
Scottish - Auld Lang Syne 20. Spiritual - Steal Away 21. Spiritual - When the
Saints Go Marching In 22. Vaclav Bech - Czech Song No.2 23. Anton Hegner -
German Folk Song (Du, Du liegst mir im Herzen) 24. Anton Hegner - Old
American Song (In the Gloaming) 25. Robert Schumann - The Wild Horesman 26.
Vaclav Bech - Russian Song No.2 27. J.S. Bach - The New Squire (Peasant
Cantata) HALF & HALF/FIRST POSITIONS 28. Traditional - French Folk Song 29.
Traditional - Early One Morning 30. Thomas Morley - It was a Lover and his
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