Teppo Hauta-aho A Sad Fantasy in Memory of Eli Goren - Duettino Basso III Double Bass Duet

18,80 €
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Informationen zu "Teppo Hauta-aho A Sad Fantasy in Memory of Eli Goren - Duettino Basso III Double Bass Duet"

Verlag: Recital Music
Verlagsnummer: RM1065
EAN: 9990093814466


A Sad Fantasy in Memory of Eli Goren, subtitled Duettino III, is a great
addition to the duo repertoire and was composed in 2001. The two basses play
almost entirely independently of each other, creating a rhapsodic freedom and
soundscape which will be unique at each performance. It is an inspired and
exotic fantasy with an amazing panoply of sounds and textures. Teppo
Hauta-aho has written many duets for double bass, many published by Recital
Music, and is a past master at writing music which offers far more than
simply technical prowess. 'Teppo's bass duets are worth a second, third and
fourth look. His music inhabits a sound world completely different to
everyone else and he has followed his own and unique compositional path
throughout his career. These are impressive and inventive duets which are in
a direct line to the grand duets of Bottesini.' [David Heyes]
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