Informationen zu "Composizioni per viola e chitarra"
Verlag: Ricordi Milano Casella postale 1262
Verlagsnummer: NR14234000
EAN: 9790041423401
ISMN: M-041-42340-1
a cura di Simone Gramaglia
Paganinis Sei Sonate op. 2 (M.S. 26), his Cantabile (M.S. 109) and his Sonata concertata (M.S. 2) bring out all of the timbral and sonic possibilities of both the viola and the guitar. In these pieces, the two voices blend together in a natural way, creating a compelling and well-balanced duo. These three transcriptions make up a perfect introduction to Paganini by way of his chamber compositions and give the violists the opportunity to enrich their concert repertoire by adding the works of an author who is still too rarely performed on the viola.
Cantabile (M.S. 109)
6 Sonate op.2 (M.S. 26)
Sonate concertata (M.S. 2)