635621501621 Y.Lateef, Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns (Bass Clef Edition)

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Informationen zu "635621501621 Y.Lateef, Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns (Bass Clef Edition)"

Verlag: Jamey Aebersold
Verlagsnummer: AEB14267
EAN: 0635621501621


This classic spiral-bound book, with a wealth of patterns, licks, and ideas,
has been popular among jazz players for a long time. Page after page of
material, collected from around the world during Yusef's vast touring. This
collection of world sounds and exotic hybrids will have you hearing in whole
new ways! Composers will find volumes of ideas and information. Improvisors
will never find the bottom of this inspiration filled masterpiece. Often
referred to as a 'jazz' version of Slonimsky's classic book that had a
profound influence on John Coltrane.
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