Brook Green Suite für Blasorchester Partitur

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Informationen zu "Brook Green Suite für Blasorchester Partitur"

Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL50485945
EAN: 9780634090448
ISBN: 978-0-634-09044-8


This is sure to be one of those orchestral transcriptions that finds a
permanent place in the realm of concert band literature. Holst's ability to
develop and explore folk melodies with rich, lyrical treatment is fully
realized inthis sterling example of the final phase of this remarkable
composer's career. The smooth and peaceful declivities of the Prelude, the
expressive Cantabile of the Air, and the sprightly 6/8 Dance combine to give
your audience andyour band a truly enriching experience. Enticing! (Grade 4)

1. Prelude
2. Air
3. Dance
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