Songs to Danish and Norwegian Texts 1916-49 vol.3 for voice and piano gebunden

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Informationen zu "Songs to Danish and Norwegian Texts 1916-49 vol.3 for voice and piano gebunden"

Verlag: Edition Wilhelm Hansen
Verlagsnummer: WH32787
EAN: 9990900549482
ISBN: 978-87-598-3758-0
ISMN: M-66134-135-2


Collected Songs Vol. 3 - Songs to Danish and Norwegian texts (1916-49) by Rued Langgaard , for Voice and Piano. Critical edition by Ole Ugilt Jensen and Bendt Viinholt Nielsen. Rued Langgaard (1893-1952) is one of the most important Danish composers of the 20th century. He has, however, only acquired this status many years after his death. Langgaard was an eminent musical talent, but with his romantic and symbolist view of art he ended up as an outsider in an era when the trend-setting musical life of the time was permeated by Carl Nielsen's sober and modern attitude. Rued Langgaard's production within the lied genre comprises 125 songs. Half of them were composed in theshort span of years between 1914 and 1918, when the composer was in his early twenties. With this publication in three volumes, Langgaard's important and personal contribution to the genre is presented in its entire range. Only 27 of the songs have previously been published. The songs are set to German, Danish and Norwegian poems. The poems in Danish and Norwegian are included in an English translation (though not designed for performance purposes). Each volume is accompanied by an introduction, source descriptions and a critical apparatus in Danish and English. The Rued Langgaard Edition (RLU) was established in 2000, the aim being to present practical, performance-oriented publications of Langgaard's works on a critical scholarly basis.

1. Russiske Sange (ved Thor Lange) (BVN 126)
2. Intet Ly (Lillerussisk)
3. 2 2. Zigeunervise (Sydrussisk)
4. 3 3. Flugt (Lillerussisk)
5. 4 4. Mens Du kan, kys mildt paa Mund (Lillerussisk)
6. 5 5. Sus ikke for mig (Lillerussisk)
7. 6 6. Dandsemelodi (Lillerussisk)
8. 7 7. Stakkels, stakkels lille Pige (Lillerussisk)
9. 8 8. Ak, Du Tid (Lillerussisk)
10. Sommer (Fire Sangtonebilleder) (Rued Langgaard) (BVN 139).
11. 9 1. Byger drager med Regn og Plask
12. 10 2. Aftnen sv?ber sin Skumringskaabe
13. 11 3. Luften er svalet af Torden og Regn
14. 12 4. Solblink, vajende Flag
15. Ti Digte af Herman Wildenvey (BVN 146)
16. 13 1. Sommertegn
17. 14 2. Signe (I)
18. 15 3. Signe (II)
19. 16 4. Sommerhilsen
20. 17 5. T?r jeg tro?
21. 18 6. Plystrevise
22. 19 7. Farvellet falder
23. 20 8. H?stsyn
24. 21 9. Eventyr
25. 22 10. Vej
26. Sonetter af ?Adam Homo? (Frederik Paludan-M?ller) (BVN 147)
27. 23 1. At ret jeg lever skylder dig jeg kun
28. 24 2. Min Grund til kort at skrive vil du h?re
29. 25 3. Just som de stivfrosne Snoge
30. 26 4. Hjemad Soldaterne trkke
31. 27 5. O L?rdagsaftens Glans
32. 28 6. Lyksaligt
33. Loreley-Sange (Alvilde Prydz) (BVN 148)
34. 29 1. I en ung piges album
35. 30 2. Siste nat
36. 31 3. Et landsted
37. 32 4. Mens guldterningen trilled
38. 33 5. Skrsommer
39. 34 6. Epilog: Loreley
40. 35 7. Orgelklang (BVN 135)
41. 36 Nu straaler atter Juleskr (Emilie Thorup) (BVN 162)
42. 37 November (Betty Tofte)
43. To aandelige Sange (BVN 256)
44. 38 1. At tro (Emilie Thorup)
45. 39 2. Jeg er trt og gaar til ro (Luise Hensel/Kristian Arentzen).
46. Ungdom (6 norske Sange) (Ewald Sundberg) (BVN 340)
47. 40 1. Det er en morgen som en vldig tone
48. 41 2. Fra gaden
49. 42 3. Onde ?jne
50. 43 4. Aah tid, d?de tid
51. 44 5. Dit saare smil
52. 45 6. Skum
53. 46 Det b?des der for (Jens Peter Jacobsen) (BVN 387)
54. 47 I Bjerget (Den Bjergtagne) (Carsten Hauch) (BVN 392)
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